Monday, November 5, 2012

Who's Going Green for You ?

With the 2012 Presidential Election only a matter of hours a way, You may wonder who is going green for you and your family ? Here at My Planet Green Clean we have done some research.

Which candidate has been an activist for renewable energy in efforts to stimulate job growth, boasted that he has created over thousands of new green jobs, and personally written government checks for millions to green start ups, which later filed for bankruptcy?

Answer: Mitt Romney

As governor of Massachusetts, Romney supported state loans given to the solar companies Konarka Technologies and Evergreen Solar, both of which went under after receiving help from the state. However, it has not prevented Mitt Romney from bashing the Obama administration for backing Solyndra, a solar company which also filed for bankruptcy after receiving loans as part of the federal stimulus package.

Which candidate is a supporter of expanding oil and gas drilling off the coast of the U.S.,and approves of "fracking," a controversial technique for exploiting natural gas reserves ?
Answer: President Barrack Obama 
While granting tax credits and loans to green companies, the president has also expanded oil and natural gas drilling in an effort  to reduce America's dependence on foreign oil. Obama has implemented a policy of all of the above, signifying support for both fossil fuels and alternative energy technologies.

Which candidate aims to expire the tax breaks for Wind Energy Producers by the end of the Year.

Answer: Mitt Romney

Governor Romney stated this in a conversation about new energy policy, 'You can't drive a car with a windmill on it.'... I don't know if he's actually tried that. I know he's had other things on his car.Meanwhile Iowa was one of the states that benefited the most from President Obama's support for wind power. The American Wind Energy Association claims hat 37,000 jobs will be lost in Iowa and elsewhere if the tax credit isn't extended this year

Another issue affecting their “stance on going Green” is the estimated $52 billion a year in federal subsidies for America's oil companies. President Obama plans to end them, whereas Romney supports granting these corporate tax breaks in perpetuity.(See Above Answered Question Romney aims to end tax breaks for Wind Energy)
Mitt Romney’s affection for the oil companies may stem in part from their graciously funding his campaign. Rolling Stone has reported that by the end of August, the oil and gas industry had already given more than $36 million to candidates and their PACs -- nearly 90 percent of it to Republicans. In just one fundraising event in Texas, sponsored by ExxonMobil CEO Rex Tillerson, oil company executives pledged $7 million to the Romney’s campaign. This is actually quite small in comparison to the $400 million that the billionaire oil magnates David and Charles Koch donated to Romney.

Although Romney is clearly the first choice for America's fossil fuel industry, we must state that Big Oil and Gas have thrived under President Obama, even though he has not given them free reign, as other candidates plan to do.  
In our Opinion neither candidate is proposing policies, which will seriously challenge the continued dominance of fossil fuels in the years ahead. Which can be arguably be "good news" for the American economy in the short run, however the impact on our planet and in the long run is uncertain and up for discussion for another blog. 

 We will say its is quite clear on who supports Oil companies and who is being supported by oil companies. But we don’t was miss green, we mean miss lead you in the right direction.

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