Monday, October 8, 2012

Green Buildings

My Planet Green Clean, Lead Educate Innovate

            As you are aware many people just don’t know, how toxic and destructive the chemicals in there household cleaning supplies can be to their health, let alone our environment. We salute those of you of who are using green cleaning supplies, and encourage you to educate your friends. Continue to be the catalyst for healthy cleaning and living.

“Be the Change you wish to see in the World”  Ghandi

            Here at MyPlanetGreen Clean we aim to not only push more green products but also educate the world of the ever growing and expanding Green Movement. Today we would like to highlight the efforts of California State University Fullerton’s Titan Recreational Center.  CSUF’s Titan Recreational Center is newly designed state of the art GYM for the college campus.  Upon it’s inception and within it’s first year of opening it received the Gold Certification by the U.S Green Building Council.

            This Gym goes beyond just using green cleaning supplies, “The gold certification awarded by the council is verification that a building or building project meets the highest in green building and performance measures. LEED is the nationally accepted benchmark for design, construction and operation of green buildings. It rates five key elements: sustainable site development, water savings, energy efficiency, materials selection and indoor environmental quality”
“Build it and they will Come” Field of Dreams
This building, campus, and article is truly a testament to power of the voices worldwide that demand Green Cleaning. Here is the Link below, We would hate to pollute, or provide chemical spoilers on this amazing article.  Check it Out.

“Lead and they will Follow”,
MyPlanet Green Clean Staff

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