Monday, September 24, 2012

Alternatives Products

Everyone loves a clean home.  In order to keep our home clean we often use 10 or more different cleaning products.  Some are for the kitchen, others are used in the bathroom and some are for cleaning the carpet.  Most people do not care what is in the product they are using as long as it gets the job done.  Most of the cleaning products that we keep in our homes “clean” actually have harmful chemicals in them.

The following numbers were released in the 2009 Poison Control Report, from the American Association of Poison Control Centers about the phone calls they receive that year.  Some of the statistics on the right and below are a few stats that stood out to me about household cleaning products. 

·       4,280,391 phone calls received in 2009
·       91.19% of all human poison exposures occurred in the home
·       212,616 phone calls or 7.4% of all calls were about household cleaning products
·       For those ages 0-5, 125,392 phone calls or 9.34% of phone calls were about household cleaning products.

Seeing that cleaning products are so prevalent in our homes and in our lives, one would think that we all should be more aware about what we are bringing into our homes. 

So the questions now becomes what steps can I take to avoid these toxins?  One easy way, is to check the product to see if the cleaning products you are buying are “Green” meaning the product are ecofriendly and is not made without harmful chemicals.  There are several companies that one can turn and know that the products that sell will not be toxic to us.
Some include:
         Simple Green
·       7th Generation
·       Green Concepts
·       Clorox Green Works
     So next time your looking for cleaning products be sure to make sure they have a green or ecofriendly label because you never know what toxins you might be bringing into your home.

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